

Home > Vietnam > Places > Bu Glao to Bu Korla Tiudul

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Bu GlaoTinh)) ((Song Be12.2166667107.28333337622500
Bu GlongTinh)) ((Song Be11.7333333107.15259850
Bu GnoTinh)) ((Song Be11.5666667107.153781240
Bu GnollTinh)) ((Song Be11.6833333107.1251823
Bu GorTinh Lam Dong11.5833333107.4175574
Bu GorTinh Lam Dong11.5833333107.3666667137449
Bu GueurTinh)) ((Song Be11.9833333107.44931617
Bu HocTinh An Giang11.58333331051136
Bu JarhTinh)) ((Song Be12.2107.26666677372418
Bu Jeng GiatTinh Dac Lak12.1166667107.56666677692523
Bu Jeng GleTinh)) ((Song Be12.0166667107.48333335901936
Bu JrahTinh Lam Dong11.7666667107.4333333221725
Bu Jrah (2)Tinh Dac Lak11.8666667107.53333335691867
Bu Kar (1)Tinh)) ((Song Be11.7166667107.0166667147482
Bu Kar (2)Tinh)) ((Song Be11.7166667107.0333333148486
Bu KhieuTinh Lam Dong11.5833333107.3333333142466
Bu KleinTinh)) ((Song Be11.8166667106.8666667167548
Bu KohTinh Dac Lak12.1333333107.58242703
Bu Korla NleuTinh)) ((Song Be11.9166667106.9166667140459
Bu Korla TiudulTinh)) ((Song Be11.9166667106.9170558

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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