Prata Preço Mensal - E.U. dólares por onza troy

mai 2019 - abr 2024: 12,830 (87,52%)

Descrição: Prata (Handy & Harman), 99,5% de pureza, Nueva York

Unidade: E.U. dólares por onza troy

Fonte: Platts Metals Week; Metals Week; Metals Statistics; American Metal Market, Australian Mineral Economics Pty. Ltd.,The Silver Institute, Silver World Supply & Demand, London Bullion Market; Thomson Reuters Datastream; World Bank.

Veja também: Mineral production statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 201914,66-
jun 201915,042,59%
jul 201915,794,99%
ago 201917,229,06%
set 201918,165,46%
out 201917,65-2,81%
nov 201917,17-2,72%
dez 201917,14-0,17%
jan 202017,974,84%
fev 202017,88-0,50%
mar 202014,88-16,78%
abr 202015,071,28%
mai 202016,267,90%
jun 202017,718,92%
jul 202020,6516,60%
ago 202027,0030,75%
set 202025,74-4,67%
out 202024,23-5,87%
nov 202024,08-0,62%
dez 202024,973,70%
jan 202125,883,64%
fev 202127,295,45%
mar 202125,65-6,01%
abr 202125,690,16%
mai 202127,507,05%
jun 202127,00-1,82%
jul 202125,68-4,89%
ago 202123,99-6,58%
set 202123,19-3,33%
out 202123,410,95%
nov 202124,183,29%
dez 202122,53-6,82%
jan 202223,162,80%
fev 202223,541,64%
mar 202225,317,52%
abr 202224,55-3,00%
mai 202221,91-10,75%
jun 202221,56-1,60%
jul 202219,08-11,50%
ago 202219,723,35%
set 202218,94-3,96%
out 202219,432,59%
nov 202221,028,18%
dez 202223,3310,99%
jan 202323,651,37%
fev 202321,92-7,32%
mar 202321,980,27%
abr 202325,0113,79%
mai 202324,27-2,96%
jun 202323,42-3,50%
jul 202324,263,59%
ago 202323,44-3,38%
set 202323,10-1,45%
out 202322,38-3,12%
nov 202323,494,96%
dez 202323,881,66%
jan 202422,92-4,02%
fev 202422,66-1,13%
mar 202424,528,21%
abr 202427,4912,11%
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