Minério de ferro vs Petróleo bruto - Price Rate of Change Comparison

Correlation coefficient: -0,890821

Descrição: Monthly comparison between the rate of change in the price of Minério de ferro versus the rate of change in the price of Petróleo bruto

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Fonte: Thomson Reuters Datastream, World Bank.

Veja também: Mineral production statistics

MêsMinério de ferro Price (Dólares americanos por tonelada métrica seca)Petróleo bruto Price (E.U. dólares por barril)Minério de ferro ROCPetróleo bruto ROCMinério de ferro / Petróleo bruto Price Ratio
set 2023120,9892,22--0,0131
out 2023118,9789,08-1,66%-3,40%0,0134
nov 2023131,0781,3510,17%-8,68%0,0161
dez 2023137,0575,724,56%-6,92%0,0181
jan 2024135,8277,67-0,90%2,58%0,0175
fev 2024124,3980,55-8,42%3,71%0,0154
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