Combustível de jato Preço Mensal - Real brasileiro por Galão

mai 2019 - abr 2024: 5,472 (69,37%)

Descrição: Combustível de jato tipo querosene (jet fuel) preço spot FOB Costa do Golfo EUA

Unidade: Real brasileiro por Galão

Fonte: Energy Information Administration

Veja também: Energy production and consumption statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 20197,89-
jun 20197,01-11,13%
jul 20197,233,08%
ago 20197,230,12%
set 20197,736,86%
out 20197,61-1,59%
nov 20197,56-0,62%
dez 20197,793,08%
jan 20207,37-5,45%
fev 20206,55-11,10%
mar 20204,65-28,97%
abr 20203,23-30,66%
mai 20203,8820,14%
jun 20205,1232,11%
jul 20205,7211,65%
ago 20206,076,18%
set 20205,44-10,46%
out 20205,898,32%
nov 20206,154,50%
dez 20206,7910,33%
jan 20217,6112,08%
fev 20218,6713,93%
mar 20219,388,15%
abr 20219,28-1,01%
mai 20219,28-0,05%
jun 20219,330,60%
jul 20219,754,45%
ago 20219,54-2,14%
set 202110,6211,34%
out 202112,7219,76%
nov 202112,18-4,26%
dez 202111,85-2,72%
jan 202213,5514,38%
fev 202213,952,94%
mar 202217,4625,17%
abr 202218,646,78%
mai 202219,474,41%
jun 202220,736,48%
jul 202218,67-9,91%
ago 202217,17-8,04%
set 202217,06-0,63%
out 202219,5114,35%
nov 202216,65-14,69%
dez 202215,19-8,74%
jan 202318,4321,30%
fev 202314,43-21,71%
mar 202313,98-3,10%
abr 202311,92-14,77%
mai 202310,81-9,25%
jun 202310,920,98%
jul 202311,949,40%
ago 202314,6522,70%
set 202315,425,21%
out 202314,58-5,47%
nov 202313,39-8,11%
dez 202311,72-12,46%
jan 202412,718,38%
fev 202413,324,82%
mar 202412,92-3,02%
abr 202413,363,43%
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