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Panama Demographics Profile

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Population3,928,646 (July 2021 est.)
Nationalitynoun: Panamanian(s)

adjective: Panamanian
Ethnic groupsMestizo (mixed Amerindian and White) 65%, Native American 12.3% (Ngabe 7.6%, Kuna 2.4%, Embera 0.9%, Bugle 0.8%, other 0.4%, unspecified 0.2%), Black or African descent 9.2%, Mulatto 6.8%, White 6.7% (2010 est.)
LanguagesSpanish (official), indigenous languages (including Ngabere (or Guaymi), Buglere, Kuna, Embera, Wounaan, Naso (or Teribe), and Bri Bri), Panamanian English Creole (similar to Jamaican English Creole; a mixture of English and Spanish with elements of Ngabere; also known as Guari Guari and Colon Creole), English, Chinese (Yue and Hakka), Arabic, French Creole, other (Yiddish, Hebrew, Korean, Japanese); note - many Panamanians are bilingual

major-language sample(s):
La Libreta Informativa del Mundo, la fuente indispensable de información básica. (Spanish)

The World Factbook, the indispensable source for basic information.
ReligionsRoman Catholic 48.6%, Evangelical 30.2%, other 4.7%, agnostic 0.2%, atheist 0.2%, none 12.3%, unspecified 3.7% (2018 est.)
Age structure0-14 years: 25.56% (male 508,131/female 487,205)

15-24 years: 16.59% (male 329,250/female 316,796)

25-54 years: 40.31% (male 794,662/female 774,905)

55-64 years: 8.54% (male 165,129/female 167,317)

65 years and over: 9.01% (male 160,516/female 190,171) (2020 est.)
Dependency ratiostotal dependency ratio: 53.9

youth dependency ratio: 40.8

elderly dependency ratio: 13.1

potential support ratio: 7.6 (2020 est.)
Median agetotal: 30.1 years

male: 29.6 years

female: 30.5 years (2020 est.)
Population growth rate1.16% (2021 est.)
Birth rate16.67 births/1,000 population (2021 est.)
Death rate5.01 deaths/1,000 population (2021 est.)
Net migration rate-0.11 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2021 est.)
Population distributionpopulation is concentrated towards the center of the country, particularly around the Canal, but a sizeable segment of the populace also lives in the far west around David; the eastern third of the country is sparsely inhabited
Urbanizationurban population: 68.8% of total population (2021)

rate of urbanization: 1.92% annual rate of change (2020-25 est.)
Major cities - population1.899 million PANAMA CITY (capital) (2021)
Sex ratioat birth: 1.04 male(s)/female

0-14 years: 1.04 male(s)/female

15-24 years: 1.04 male(s)/female

25-54 years: 1.03 male(s)/female

55-64 years: 0.99 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.84 male(s)/female

total population: 1.01 male(s)/female (2020 est.)
Maternal mortality rate52 deaths/100,000 live births (2017 est.)
Infant mortality ratetotal: 11.25 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 12.37 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 10.08 deaths/1,000 live births (2021 est.)
Life expectancy at birthtotal population: 79.47 years

male: 76.66 years

female: 82.41 years (2021 est.)
Total fertility rate2.21 children born/woman (2021 est.)
Contraceptive prevalence rate50.8% (2014/15)
Drinking water sourceimproved: urban: 100% of population

rural: 94.8% of population

total: 98.3% of population

unimproved: urban: 0% of population

rural: 5.2% of population

total: 1.7% of population (2017 est.)
Health expenditures7.3% (2018)
Physicians density1.57 physicians/1,000 population (2016)
Hospital bed density2.3 beds/1,000 population (2016)
Sanitation facility accessimproved: urban: 97.2% of population

rural: 72.4% of population

total: 89.1% of population

unimproved: urban: 2.8% of population

rural: 27.6% of population

total: 10.9% of population (2017 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate1% (2020 est.)
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS31,000 (2020 est.)

note: estimate does not include children
HIV/AIDS - deaths<500 (2020 est.)

note: estimate does not include children
Major infectious diseasesdegree of risk: intermediate (2020)

food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea

vectorborne diseases: dengue fever
Obesity - adult prevalence rate22.7% (2016)
Children under the age of 5 years underweight3% (2019)
Education expenditures3.2% of GDP (2011)
Demographic profile

Panama is a country of demographic and economic contrasts. It is in the midst of a demographic transition, characterized by steadily declining rates of fertility, mortality, and population growth, but disparities persist based on wealth, geography, and ethnicity. Panama has one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America and dedicates substantial funding to social programs, yet poverty and inequality remain prevalent. The indigenous population accounts for a growing share of Panama's poor and extreme poor, while the non-indigenous rural poor have been more successful at rising out of poverty through rural-to-urban labor migration. The government's large expenditures on untargeted, indirect subsidies for water, electricity, and fuel have been ineffective, but its conditional cash transfer program has shown some promise in helping to decrease extreme poverty among the indigenous population.

Panama has expanded access to education and clean water, but the availability of sanitation and, to a lesser extent, electricity remains poor. The increase in secondary schooling - led by female enrollment - is spreading to rural and indigenous areas, which probably will help to alleviate poverty if educational quality and the availability of skilled jobs improve. Inadequate access to sanitation contributes to a high incidence of diarrhea in Panama's children, which is one of the main causes of Panama's elevated chronic malnutrition rate, especially among indigenous communities.

Literacydefinition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 95.4%

male: 96%

female: 94.9% (2018)
School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education)total: 13 years

male: 12 years

female: 14 years (2016)

Source: CIA World Factbook
This page was last updated on September 18, 2021

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