New Zealand Death rate

New Zealand > Demographics

Death rate: 7.54 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.)

YearDeath rateRankPercent ChangeDate of Information
20037.54126 2003 est.
20047.53124-0.13 %2004 est.
20057.531240.00 %2005 est.
20067.531240.00 %2006 est.
20077.541220.13 %2007 est.

See Also

Definition: This entry gives the average annual number of deaths during a year per 1,000 population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. The death rate, while only a rough indicator of the mortality situation in a country, accurately indicates the current mortality impact on population growth. This indicator is significantly affected by age distribution, and most countries will eventually show a rise in the overall death rate, in spite of continued decline in mortality at all ages, as declining fertility results in an aging population.

Source: CIA World Factbook - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of April 17, 2007

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