South Carolina Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2012 ($1,000) by County

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Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2012 ($1,000) - (Thousands of USD)
County Value
Abbeville 37,856
Aiken 519,798
Allendale 22,545
Anderson 928,573
Bamberg 36,366
Barnwell 48,496
Beaufort 661,251
Berkeley 154,691
Charleston 4,338,172
Cherokee 84,540
Chester 75,327
Chesterfield 125,405
Clarendon 95,497
Colleton 158,516
Darlington 218,839
Dillon 87,234
Dorchester 271,019
Edgefield 34,267
Florence 1,565,069
Georgetown 467,217
Greenville 2,261,746
Greenwood 585,232
Hampton 39,766
Horry 1,274,110
Jasper 89,844
Lancaster 229,041
Laurens 179,011
Lee 18,858
Lexington 1,058,785
Marion 51,214
Marlboro 73,084
McCormick 12,125
Newberry 107,280
Oconee 274,464
Orangeburg 381,933
Pickens 296,686
Richland 3,202,506
Sumter 471,114
Williamsburg 55,281
York 896,951