Missouri Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2012 ($1,000) by County

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Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2012 ($1,000) - (Thousands of USD)
County Value
Adair 159,327
Atchison 16,926
Audrain 99,399
Barry 99,221
Barton 29,967
Benton 21,425
Bollinger 15,193
Boone 2,033,520
Buchanan 852,059
Butler 527,780
Callaway 128,336
Camden 262,476
Cape Girardeau 1,149,244
Carroll 24,862
Carter 8,524
Cass 250,237
Cedar 31,982
Chariton 10,776
Christian 89,738
Clark 3,954
Clay 1,393,096
Cole 711,687
Cooper 45,316
Crawford 77,231
Dallas 26,928
Daviess 6,028
Dent 42,739
Douglas 16,141
Dunklin 167,760
Franklin 322,440
Gasconade 40,687
Gentry 38,014
Greene 3,027,561
Grundy 48,506
Harrison 29,381
Henry 122,337
Hickory 5,433
Howard 16,435
Howell 294,104
Iron 34,774
Jackson 6,169,931
Jasper 629,475
Jefferson 478,710
Johnson 200,414
Knox 2,290
Laclede 135,013
Lawrence 98,958
Lewis 12,366
Linn 37,931
Livingston 74,362
Macon 40,505
Madison 38,938
Maries 8,631
Marion 286,238
McDonald 16,692
Miller 33,026
Mississippi 19,916
Montgomery 19,685
Morgan 13,942
New Madrid 48,382
Newton 607,130
Nodaway 94,226
Oregon 18,097
Ozark 5,762
Pemiscot 74,879
Perry 86,506
Pettis 229,869
Phelps 343,045
Pike 49,633
Platte 354,329
Polk 159,163
Pulaski 158,497
Putnam 10,053
Ralls 10,047
Randolph 128,287
Reynolds 6,958
Ripley 36,255
Saline 110,763
Schuyler 1,205
Scott 200,024
Shannon 12,993
Shelby 5,094
St. Charles 1,482,925
St. Clair 22,346
St. Francois 379,439
St. Louis 9,445,219
St. Louis city 4,162,081
Ste. Genevieve 59,457
Stoddard 84,224
Stone 39,514
Sullivan 13,880
Taney 247,451
Texas 70,568
Vernon 90,961
Washington 66,265
Wayne 18,093
Webster 26,872
Wright 30,456