Petróleo crudo vs Gasolina - Price Rate of Change Comparison

Correlation coefficient: 0,734325

Descripción: Monthly comparison between the rate of change in the price of Petróleo crudo versus the rate of change in the price of Gasolina

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Fuente: World Bank.

Ver también: Energy production and consumption statistics

MesPetróleo crudo Price (Dólares americanos por barril)Gasolina Price (Dólares americanos por galón)Petróleo crudo ROCGasolina ROCPetróleo crudo / Gasolina Price Ratio
abr. 202382,462,77--29,8228
may. 202374,122,57-10,11 %-7,05 %28,8405
jun. 202373,262,66-1,16 %3,46 %27,5517
jul. 202378,982,707,81 %1,54 %29,2519
ago. 202384,722,877,27 %6,44 %29,4781
sep. 202392,222,898,85 %0,70 %31,8659
oct. 202389,082,52-3,40 %-12,79 %35,2932
nov. 202381,352,31-8,68 %-8,64 %35,2775
dic. 202375,722,23-6,92 %-3,47 %34,0162
ene. 202477,672,242,58 %0,81 %34,6123
feb. 202480,552,333,71 %3,65 %34,6303
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