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Silver: World Mine Production, By Country

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(Metric tons)
Country   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
Algeriae 1 1 2 3 2 r 2
Argentina 74 78 153 126 134 3
Armenia NA NA NA 6 4
Australia 1,720 2,060 2,100 e 2,077 1,872 3
Bolivia 422 434 408 450 r 451
Brazil4 42 41 46 33 r 35
Bulgariae 25 54 r 57 r 60 r 60
Burma 4 2 2 2 e 2
Canada 1,174 1,212 1,265 1,408 r 1,309 3
Chile 1,381 r 1,242 r 1,349 1,210 r 1,250
Chinae 1,320 1,600 1,910 2,200 r 2,500
Colombia 8 8 7 7 10 3
Costa Ricae -5 (5) (5) (5) (5)
Dominican Republic 3 e -- -- -- --
Ecuadore 2 2 2 2 2
El Salvador (5) -- -- -- --
Ethiopia 1 1 1 1 e 1
Fiji 2 1 -- -- --
Finland 32 e 25 24 30 e 34
France 1 1 1 e 1 e 1
Ghana 4 e 6 r 2 2 r 2
Greece 46 37 62 75 79 3
Honduras 38 32 47 53 53
India 54 e 40 45 r 52 54
Indonesia 288 256 270 r 294 r 260
Irane 21 22 22 23 23
Ireland 15 25 19 5 e 24
Italy6 10 4 4 4 e 4
Jamaica -- -- (5) (5) e (5)
Japan 94 104 80 81 79 3
Kazakhstan 905 927 982 893 r 827
Korea, Northe 40 40 40 40 40
Korea, Republic of 7 -- r -- r -- r -- r --
Macedoniae 22 20 15 10 10
Malaysia 4 (5) (5) -- -- 3
Malie 1 1 2 3 3
Mexico 2,467 2,620 2,760 2,747 r 2,569 3
Mongoliae 20 25 27 27 27
Morocco 278 289 281 277 r 201 3
Namibia 10 9 20 r 44 r 45
New Zealande 24 3 23 23 32 32
Nicaragua 2 2 2 3 e 3
Oman 3 5 3 4 r --
Panamae 2 3 2 2 2 2
Papua New Guineae 67 3 73 73 75 74
Peru 2,231 2,145 2,353 2,687 2,775 3
Philippinese 18 3 17 17 9 9
Poland 1,100 1,148 1,194 1,229 r 1,200
Portugal 27 21 23 e 19 e 19
Romaniae 50 3 18 r 18 r 15 r 15
Russiae 375 370 380 400 700
Saudi Arabia 10 9 15 14 e 13
Serbia and Montenegro 8 9 6 7 r 2
Solomon Islands   2   (5) e -- e --   --  
See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 8--Continued
(Metric tons)
Country   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e  
South Africa 152 144 110 113 80 3
Spaine 96 66 3 60 50 50
Sudan NA NA 2 3 3
Sweden 284 329 306 299 306 3
Tanzania (5) 1 7 9 r 8
Tajikistan 5 5 5 e 50 e 50
Tunisia 4 4 4 3 e 3
Turkeye 100 110 100 100 100
United States 1,950 1,980 1,740 1,350 r 1,240 3
Uzbekistan 89 90 80 e 80 e 80
Zambia8 5 5 e -- r -- r --
Zimbabwe 5 4 3 2 1 3
Total   17,100 r 17,800 r 18,500 r 18,800 r 18,700  
eEstimated. rRevised. NA Not available. -- Zero.
1World totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Recoverable content of ores and concentrates produced unless otherwise specified. Table includes data available through August 13, 2004.
3Reported figure.
4Includes the following quantities, in kilograms, identified as secondary silver: 1999-2002--50,000 and 2003--50,000 (estimated).
5Less than 1/2 unit.
6Includes production from imported ores.
7Smelter and/or refinery production.
8Year beginning April 1 of that stated.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

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