Flag Österreich

Österreich Truppenstärke - alter militärischer

Österreich > Streitkräfte

Truppenstärke - alter militärischer:

registration requirement at age 17, the legal minimum age for voluntary military service; 18 is the legal minimum age for compulsory military service (6 months), or optionally, alternative civil/community service (9 months); males 18 to 50 years old in the militia or inactive reserve are subject to compulsory service; in a January 2012 referendum, a majority of Austrians voted in favor of retaining the system of compulsory military service (with the option of alternative/non-military service) instead of switching to a professional army system (2015)

Definition: Dieser Eintrag gibt das erforderliche Alter für den freiwilligen oder Wehrdienst und die Dauer der Dienstverpflichtung an.

Quelle: CIA World Factbook - Version Dezember 31, 2019

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