Palmöl vs Rapsöl - Price Rate of Change Comparison

Correlation coefficient: -0,307396

Beschreibung: Monthly comparison between the rate of change in the price of Palmöl versus the rate of change in the price of Rapsöl

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Quelle: ISTA Mielke GmbH, Oil World; US Department of Agriculture; World Bank.

siehe auch: Agricultural production statistics

MonatPalmöl Price (Euro pro Tonne)Rapsöl Price (Euro pro Tonne)Palmöl ROCRapsöl ROCPalmöl / Rapsöl Price Ratio
Sep 2023776,96980,98--0,7920
Okt 2023761,331.003,71-2,01 %2,32 %0,7585
Nov 2023768,79962,130,98 %-4,14 %0,7991
Dez 2023748,41929,15-2,65 %-3,43 %0,8055
Jan 2024774,92891,553,54 %-4,05 %0,8692
Feb 2024793,79891,772,43 %0,03 %0,8901
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