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G-B Europe Trade Import Export SARL

Description: Our mission is simple: we aim to bring business, competitive prices and good quality products together, supplying reliable and stable clients from Guinea-Bissau with products of basic necessity for everyday life. We only deal with companies that can guarantee continuity and competitive prices. We are able to ensure the highest quality and authenticity of the merchandise we provide, controlling quality directly in the factories. We also provide shipping to and from Guinea-Bissau, offering multiple possibilities to our clients.
Street Address: Avenida Combatentes Liberdade dà Patria
City: Bissau
State: Guinea-Bissau
Postal Code: 1000
Country: Guinea-Bissau
Business Type: Trading Company
Website: www.gbeuropetrade.com - info@gbeuropetrade.com
Phone Number: +39 349 31 43 209
Fax Number: +39 029 475 5622
Products/Services: Sugar - Rice - Vegetable Oil - Wheat Flour
No. of Employees: Less than 5
Year Established: 2014
Main Markets:
North AmericaSouth America
Western EuropeEastern Europe
Middle EastAsia
Southeast AsiaAfrica
Main Customers:
Total Annual Sales:
Certifications: Enrolled in the Registry of Businesses of Bissau n. 1146 Commercial License n. 8666/B/014
Products Listed: 0
RFQs Listed: 1